1. How can I use this book for my teaching?

For K-12 Classroom Teachers, Look at Us Now! Making Scientific Practices Matter in the Classroom…and Beyond can be used as a "tool book" for teachers of Kindergarten through Grade 12. Teachers can use the scenarios in each chapter as models for  inquiries that can be replicated in their own classrooms. These investigations can be modified creatively to work across grade levels. For example, through actions such as incorporating math standards appropriate for a particular grade, adjusting complexity of the research design to accommodate critical thinking abilities, and/or emphasizing specific standards-based content encompassed by the inquiry, the developmental levels of the students can be addressed. The investigations described within the chapters inform teachers how they can use scientific inquiry to address all content areas (e.g., STEM, language arts, social studies, etc.),  and how to introduce actions into the classroom that enable the conditions necessary for the standards to be achieved. When the scientific inquiry process is used by the teacher as described in this book, it fosters the development of critical thinking skills in the student that can be applied within and beyond the classroom.

For university level instructors/professors, Look at Us Now! can be used as a case study book for teaching methods courses. Students can be assigned chapters as case studies for analysis and reflection regarding strategies for and the use of scientific practices in the classroom. Discourse regarding how scientific inquiry invites critical thinking into teaching and learning, and discussions on how connections between meeting More Emphasis conditions led to the successful outcomes of these inquiries may be easily stimulated using each chapter as an illustration.


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View video featuring Chapter 4 author Wendy Gonsalves’s third grade students reflecting on their use of the RIP® to learn science and other standards-based content.
