Susan Kamida
With 33 years of teaching experience, Susan Kamida has instructed special education students from preschool through Grade 12. She specializes in working with the deaf and hard of hearing student. Kamida uses scientific inquiry to provide her students with empowerment as learners. Her students apply scientific practices as they engage in learning standards-based content through their investigations.
She earned a BS degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology and MA degree in Communicative Disorders - specializing in Education of the Deaf.
Ms. Kamida’s teaching experience includes Pre-K; Kindergarten through Grade 6 language arts and mathematics; Grades 7 and 8 language arts, mathematics, and social studies; Grades 9 and 10 English, general mathematics; and Grades 10 through 12 biology, social studies, and sign language. She also teaches Special Education for the Hearing Impaired and Deaf for Pre-K and Grades Kindergarten through12.
Susan Kamida’s professional presentations include a talk delivered to the National Science Teacher’s Association’s National Conference on Science Education held in Anaheim, CA in 2006.
Read the Foreword
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